Further updates on Klue

Further updates on Klue

So earlier today, we were given this tidbit of information..

With a translation of Agents, there are four #FindTheKlue missions gone online. The only note is the following map. Help! #FindTheKlue

We're asking for contacts that are in the Munich area to please provide us with screen shots of the mission prompts for further study.

I postulated that Klue S. is on the otherside of the portals and provided evidence in the following post https://plus.google.com/+AmbassadorKosh/posts/ULsDFFPTS2x

These missions are linked to a banner series, as shown at https://ingressmosaik.com/mosaic/16444

These missions are only available for a limited amount of time! As stated in the online mission description: Hilf mit Klue zu finden. Beeile dich, denn die Mission wird nicht lange online sein!
Which translates Help to find Klue. Hurry up, because the mission will not be long online!
Please help us get some prompts of these missions!

I think that Klue S. is reaching further through the portals back to us and that she is not dead, but alive within the portal network.
I think that the companion hashtag to #FindTheKlue should be #KlueLives

What do you think Agents? H. Richard Loeb, are you reading this? Are you aware that a team of us have not given up on Klue S. and we will bring her home.

Edgar Allan Wright John Hanke Ethan Lepouttre Matilde Tusberti Linda Besh flint dille


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